Issue 136, The End of Antiquity

Issue 136, The End of Antiquity


In this issue, we travel along dusty roads to see the vestiges of late antiquity through the eyes of an early Christian pilgrim, we discover the earliest incarnation of the cult of Saint Anne, grandmother of the medieval world, and we examine Italy’s tumultuous beginnings in the sixth century. We also visit the Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines to explore Taiwan’s earliest roots and share its cultural legacy. Lastly, if you’re looking for something to read or watch during the summer, we’ve got you covered. If you’d like something lighthearted, yet medieval, you can check out our recommendation for several medieval-themed manga series to get hooked on. In books, this month we have a review of The Stonemason: A History of Building Britain, which looks not only at architecture and developments in building practices, but at the history that influenced them.

We wish you a sunny, healthy, and happy summer.

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