Issue 133, The Medieval Family

Issue 133, The Medieval Family


This month, we stay close to home and take an in-depth look at what “family” meant to medieval people, be that through blood ties, religious affiliation, or community. In this issue, we take the demographic pulse of the Middle Ages. We look at the makeup of the medieval family and how it evolved over time: nuclear families, extended families, and every arrangement in between – the family unit was probably not what you think it was. We tackle the ugly side of family life in a “dear diary” account of Florentine adultery. While on the topic of marriage, we also see how rulers navigated multiple marriages and dodged church rules in Byzantium, and we examine what the economic reality of marriage looked like – with regards to dowers and dowries – at every level of medieval society. Lastly, we examine how children were cared for, entertained, and educated through music. Outside of our theme, we look at an epic battle between town and gown, and examine what it means to be a socially responsible and respectful tourist when visiting medieval sites so that future generations can enjoy them for years to come.

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The Medieval Family

Issue 158, Chroniclers & Storytellers

Issue 158, Chroniclers & Storytellers

Issue 157, Kyivan Rus

Issue 157, Kyivan Rus

Issue 156, The Coronation Issue

Issue 156, The Coronation Issue

Issue 155, Paris in the Late Middle Ages

Issue 155, Paris in the Late Middle Ages

Issue 154, Medieval Folktales

Issue 154, Medieval Folktales
