Issue 130, Feudalism

Issue 130, Feudalism


This issue takes a look at the different facets of feudalism, from a 47-year feud between a small French village and a powerful monastery, to the importance of music in the medieval manor, to the history behind an ancient manor house on the island of Guernsey. Stepping outside of feudalism, we also look at medieval magical handbooks and leechbooks, review the Caravans of Gold exhibition at the Aga Khan Museum, take a trip to medieval Japan, and also visit New Zealand and take an in-depth look at its medieval Māori culture.

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Military Orders

Issue 158, Chroniclers & Storytellers

Issue 158, Chroniclers & Storytellers

Issue 157, Kyivan Rus

Issue 157, Kyivan Rus

Issue 156, The Coronation Issue

Issue 156, The Coronation Issue

Issue 155, Paris in the Late Middle Ages

Issue 155, Paris in the Late Middle Ages

Issue 154, Medieval Folktales

Issue 154, Medieval Folktales
